Parent Volunteer Link


Our volunteers are a vital part of our Moore Community and their commitment and support of volunteering make it happen for our kids!  If you would like to be part of helping grow our future world changers, please sign up to volunteer.

General Volunteer Page

Volunteer Application Form

  • Helpful Recommendation... Save  Login and Password info to your phone - access on the go! (Good for coordinators, principals, AND parents!)

  • Plan Ahead... Due to the high volume of new volunteer applications at the beginning of a new school year, the process may take a  little longer than usual. Please be patient and plan ahead!

  • Remind parents.... to be sure they have selected the correct school and volunteer opportunities.

  • Reminders... once you register to volunteer, you need to be on the lookout for a verification email. You do have to register each year to be active.

  • Contact Mr. Reaves, Assistant Principal with questions or Moore opportunities.
