Reagan High School Attendance Guidelines
Procedures for Checking Out Students
All students must have a valid excuse for leaving campus.
If you need to sign out your student, you must enter the front office and complete the process using our Identi-A-Kid system. We do NOT accept student checkouts over the phone due to safety concerns.
If you are checking out your student for an appointment, etc., write a note that includes the date, check-out time, your student's full name, your phone number, and a parent's signature. Students will receive an excuse note from the front office which will serve as their pass to leave class and school at the designated time. You do not have to enter the building if you use this procedure.
Procedures for Signing-In Students
All students arriving on campus after 8:55 a.m. must check in at the front office upon arrival at school.
If your student arrives late to school, they must sign in at the front office. You may provide the office with an excuse note stating the reason for the tardy.
If your student has left school for an appointment, etc., and is returning to campus, they must sign in at the front office upon their return. If you provide the student with an excuse note or doctor's note, it can be submitted electronically using the "Attendance Notes" link on our homepage. If you do not have access to a device to submit the note, you can use the self-serve kiosk in the front office. All excuse notes must be submitted digitally by the student/parent.
Procedures for Absence Notes
For the 2024-25 school year and beyond, notes to excuse absences will only be able to be submitted digitally. No hardcopy excuse notes will be accepted in the front office. Families can complete the excuse note from home using the QR code and link provided below or the "attendance notes" linked on our school's webpage. We will also have a self-serve kiosk in the front office for families and students to scan their notes and submit the electronic form if they cannot complete the process at home or from their own devices.
There are many different reasons we are making this transition to better serve our students and families:
The person submitting the excuse will receive an email "receipt" that their note has been submitted. This will drastically cut down on the question of whether or not a note was submitted.
All submitted notes will be timestamped at their submittal, allowing a clear record of whether or not they fit the "10-day" rule.
Excuse notes will be able to be coded correctly in PowerSchool within 5 school days of submittal
10 Day Rule
Students will have 10 school days from the day of their absence to turn in a parent note for that absence to be coded as excused. This includes whenever a child is checked out early and misses 50% or more of a class. If a parent note is not provided within 10 school days of an absence, that absence will be coded as unexcused unless you provide a note from a healthcare provider.
***Please be aware that the student will be marked unexcused unless their absence/tardy falls within our WSFCS district permissible excuses (see pages 8-9)
Excuse Note Submittal Form Link- click here
Excuse Note Submittal Form QR code: